Video Frame Replacement Based on Auxiliary Data


The popularity of videoconferencing has increased rap idly in recent years. Video conferencing tools may allow multiple people at multiple different locations to interact by receiving both audio and video of one another. This may allow for more personal and detailed interactions between people participating in the videoconference, such as opposed to a mere telephone conference. For example, instead of merely hearing each other’s voices, videoconferencing tools may allow participants to see each other’s facial expressions and movements, thereby more closely simulating actual face-to-face interactions between people in the same room or other physical space. While videoconferencing provides many advantages, the transfer of video over bandwidth constrained networks may also involve several challenges. For example, in certain conditions, existing network band width may be insufficient to support all incoming video feeds, thereby resulting in quality degradation, lost frames, interrupted video feeds, and other problems. In some examples, these problems may occur when available band width temporarily drops, when large numbers of participants join the video conference, or for other reasons.

United States Patent
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